The Ultimate Natural Beauty Shopping Guide

the ultimate natural beauty shopping guide. article from kristen arnett's green beauty team. become an overnight expert in buying clean cosmetics and never waste your money again buying toxic products. it's about giving you the tools to make great choices.

The Ultimate Natural Beauty Shopping Guide teaches you how to go green with your beauty routine in a significantly shorter time, with far less hassle and drain on your wallet.


A lot of beauty brands are lying to you about how natural and organic they truly are. They hide behind clever marketing gimmicks (AKA "greenwashing") to fool you into thinking the products you're buying are healthier - when they're anything but.


This Course, guided by one of the most well-known and respected voices in Green Beauty, is designed to make your transition to healthy cosmetics far easier!


Because you don’t ( and shouldn’t ) need a degree in chemistry to decode ingredient lists, or to understand what’s potentially toxic in your products.


This course isn’t about getting you to buy specific products or brands.


After you've completed this course, you’ll be able to…

• Choose the best natural cosmetics for your needs with far more ease and confidence.

• Get superior value and quality on your purchases.

• Know where to save and where to splurge.


Presented in easily digestible packets, you'll get the most important information delivered to you clearly and concisely.


8 short videos (that take under an hour to watch) will dive into topics like:

• Cutting through confusion on certifications and catch-phrases.

• Debunking the biggest lies you're being sold about "clean cosmetics".

• Discussing the most important characteristics of natural ingredients.

• What's inside Kristen's makeup bag - since you're probably curious!


In the 24-page companion Resource Guide you'll get more in-depth information about all the topics covered.


You'll even get suggestions on the best places to shop for natural beauty.


Plus, you'll receive a copy of the Toss The Toxins Toolkit to help you identify and avoid the worst ingredients, and give you a plan to purge your products.


