7 Things For September

stacked skincare micro-roller, $30. article by maison pur. dermarolling boosts collagen, smooths lines and wrinkles, increases blood flow. the biggest surprise was how much less puffy my face is the day after I use it.

Is it fall yet? Not quite, but now that we have Labor Day weekend under our belts it’s hard not to think about all the fun things that fall brings. We still have a few more weeks of warm weather where I’m at, so I’m not throwing in the towel on summer quite yet, but I’m all about transitioning. So bring on the fun fall makeup, s’mores, football and pumpkin spice lattes (healthier version below!). Here’s 7 things for September.


Maybe it’s because my birthday just passed or maybe it’s because colder weather always makes me want to turn up my skincare routine a notch, but I’ve got anti-aging on my mind. I know I’m supposed to be pro-aging and embrace the changes I’ve started to see in my 30’s, but seriously.. Who doesn’t want their skin to be smooth and glowing? One thing that I’ve seen the greatest impact with is dermarolling. I originally purchased a cheap set off of Amazon, because I wasn’t sure if I would have the courage to do it Ummm.. I mean I wasn’t sure if I’d like it. It really isn’t that bad at all, or at least as bad as I thought rolling hundreds of tiny needles across my face would be. So I just upgraded to a better quality roller and man, can I tell a difference! Dermarolling boosts collagen, smooths lines and wrinkles, increases blood flow and more, but the biggest surprise for me was how much less puffy my face is the day after I use it. Which is amazing, because I’m very prone to puffiness, especially around my eyes. I’m addicted now! You can find the one I’m using here.


