Beauty Blog

"I will fully admit - the last thing I switched over to clean was my hair color.  I thought there was NO way it could be as good as the cool blonde that my previous colorist had been perfecting..."
Get to know the founder of Indie Lee!
"When I go on vacations, ceviche is my favorite thing to order! It's light, bright and delicious. I started tinkering with recipes..."
Essentially, we need our oceans to survive. Though, some of the world's most beloved beauty products are poisoning the ocean and human life...
As I make choices in my life (all choices - food, beauty products, buying furniture etc) I am trying to take a pause, be present in the decision making (thanks Indie :) and ask myself “is there something that I could be doing better?”  Lately, I have really been trying to focus on this with my fashion choices.
Wine should lead to relaxation. Not another headache... It's a common misconception that alcohol levels or overconsumption are the only thing responsible for the next morning's headache. Hangovers are often caused by additives and high sugar amounts in conventional wines...
Did you know that we're recycling all wrong? Statistically around 80% of your recycling is actually ending up in a landfill. Plastic has been used historically because it is strong, flexible, and cheap but creates an unmanageable amount of waste on land, in the sea, and even in our food...
I got my love for cooking from my mom and dad. They are both phenomenal cooks. They love cooking and appreciate great restaurants. While they are able to cook anything, I learned from them that nothing beats amazing ingredients...
