#FeatureFriday - Craving Charcoal!

Thank you to goop for the inspiration behind today's Feature Friday. We got sent this article from someone looking for a charcoal soap and immediately thought of the MIG Black Soap with Charcoal and Dead Sea Mud. Charcoal has been used for centuries to clean and detoxify skin, purify water, and as a remedy for poison or (more recently) to treat alcohol poisoning. Lucky for us it is an inexpensive miracle for skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, and eczema. I discovered its effectiveness after noticing not only my skin clearing up but the keratosis pilaris (often referred to as chicken skin) on the back of arms DRASTICALLY clearing up. 

Charcoal acts like a magnet to attract and draw out dirt, bacteria, and other nasties from your pores as it can hold up to 200 times its weight in impurities. This makes it great for all skin types but especially those that are congested or irritated. Pick up a bar of MIG's soap and watch your skin heal and transform! 


charcoal benefits: antibacterial, antifungal, purifying, and detoxifying. acts like a magnet to draw out impurities, dirt, and bacteria to deep clean and leave pores clear and fresh. excellent for deep cleansing and refining skin texture and tone. great for skin affected by acne, psoriasis, eczema, keratosis, pilaris, and other irritations.

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