sunday spa day. sometimes we just need to take a little time for ourselves.

Take a little time for yourself💙

sunday spa day. sometimes we just need to take a little time for ourselves.

omega 9 hair mask from rahua. plant-derived amazonian ingredients deeply penetrate the hair shaft and fortify each strand from roots to ends.

minty bath fizzy from dirty mermaid beauty. an energizing minty blend of peppermint, eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils.

horsehair wash mitt from baudelaire. the rolls royce of exfoliation! wet or dry, they provide a true exfoliation.

zen garden candle from pure light. a sophisticated infusion of aloe and green tea brings modern balance to aromatherapy.

body wash from MIG. a citrusy blend of grapefruit and blood orange softens and gently cleanses your skin.

clearing mask from indie lee. purify clogged pores and congested skin with this gentle yet effective detoxifying mask.


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